Fred koolhof

"If fear is what's holding us back, then courage is what we need to develop."

tailor made guidance


tailor made guidance


Sometimes you need someone to work with you or your team to cross existing boundaries and search for new possibilities: tailor made guidance is there for you to help you look outside the box and develop further.

Tailor made team guidance

Absence management

An effective and powerful approach to absenteeism is essential for a successful business. This is why the initial phases of recognising and guiding absenteeism will be followed by a cultural intervention to prevent from future absenteeism. We will support division and team management in this process following local legal rules where applicable.

Developing Mission & Vision: from abstraction to action

A suitable mission and vision has to be, above all, clear and understandable. It also stretches beyond current boundaries. We will support management teams in looking for that single dot on the horizon by means of collective dialogues that help us to look outside of the box. To safeguard each step along the way we will use a simple tool as guidance.

Forming teams

In today's dynamic world, it is important that teams learn to be flexible and responsive to present time demands. A tailor made process ensures the development of teams and their necessary team spirit; team members will learn how to communicate constructively, how to look open-mindedly for ways to cooperate and they will adapt to solutions thinking.

Mediation & How to overcome an impasse

The power of a team is unity and harmony. When conflicts within a team arise or certain individuals disrupt the team spirit, this unity and harmony get disturbed resulting in a weaker team. Giving these teams the support they need in solving conflicts and getting the individuals back on track is our key strength. We will get the team functioning again and in agreement with each other.

Cultural Change & Internal Communication

Key to a successful company are corporate values that are in line with today’s dynamics and/or with a clear mission and vision. It may require a cultural change to get the energy flowing again. Internal communication, throughout the entire company, is paramount which is why setting up an internal communication protocol is an essential part of this changing process. We will gladly help delivering.

Tailor-made individual guidance

Leadership & Management

Leadership is much more than just “being boss”. You need to have an open minded approach to your team and have your eyes and ears open at all times. It’s about leading the way but also always looking behind if everyone is still following. Are you in need of personal guidance, feedback and encouragement to strengthen your leadership and to develop your charisma? We are there to help you distinguish these qualities from your current management capabilities.

Public media spokesmanship

Public media can make or break you which is why you better know how to deal with them correctly. When you’re in a public or media sensitive position you may be looking for guidance on how to speak to the press properly. We are able to support you with tips and tricks so you’ll never be lost for words again and instead feel comfortable talking to press members.

Personal growth and effectiveness

Ready for a next step in your life? Feeling like you haven’t reached your capabilities yet? In search of new altitudes? Someone who is not directly involved can help you look beyond your current boundaries and can encourage you to have an open mind towards future possibilities. He can be the sparring partner that creates awareness on your actual qualities and how to use them in regard to yourself, your colleagues and surrounding world. We can be that someone and we will be supportive of all talents that make up who you are so you’ll be challenged to get the best out of yourself.

Absence prevention/Reintegration/Unemployment

A burn-out or a bore-out, lost your job or taken some time off? There may be all kinds of reasons why you can’t see yourself working again or have fun and feel fit and motivated while at it. We will be there for you whilst searching for yourself and how to get back on track.