Colin Powell

"The day that your personnel stops bringing their problems to you is the day you stopped leading them"

Management Team Execution


managerial team


Institutional blindness happens in any business. If a team happens to get stuck and is not able to get itself moving again, then a temporary replacement within the organisation may be a way to keep or get things moving again.

Management Team Execution

Developing mission and vision

In this ever changing world, you need to stay focussed on your goals all the while asking yourself if you’re still going in the right direction. A temporary team member, experienced in developing a mission and vision can play an important role. He or she is not pressured by organisational fear or company habits and can contribute considerably to new ways and working spirit.

Rhineland leadership model

Opposed to classical Anglo Saxon models, the Rhineland model stands, among others, for: empowerment, coaching leadership and self steering teams. How this works and what can and cannot be done within the guidelines of this model can be shown by a temporary team member who has experienced all ins and outs of this leadership model, who has been there, seen it and done and who can make you see leadership in a different light.

Absence management

Many organisations face high numbers of absenteeism, a negative spiral that is not easy to reverse. A project manager who supports you in bringing the current situation back to desired standards can really make a difference. Subsequently we will build and implement a procedure that will have lasting effects.

Cultural Change & Internal Communication

Your current organisational or team culture is not compatible with today’s needs anymore? It needs adjustment but how to move forward and what exactly needs to be changed? We can bring positive support in defining and achieving that desired new culture and be just that little push you need to get you going in the right direction.

Management Team Additions

Division/branch management

Every organisation has dealt with sudden long-term absence of a manager and the subsequent question of how to fill the gap. We can help by temporarily fill the position with an experienced manager and leader in both profit and non profit organisations.

Project management

You feel the need for a logical and organised process in order to quickly and effectively resolve an issue? You want to do so in cooperation and dialogue with all people involved to create maximum support within the company and meet certain time lines? Obviously an experienced manager and leader in both profit and non profit organisations is what you are looking for. Look no further!

Public Media spokesperson

The ability to meet and speak with press members in a constructive as well as respectable way is a discipline in itself. If you are dealing with processes or products that are sensitive to the public and media or when it’s about complicated social issues, a defensive attitude towards press members can have undesired consequences. You need someone who knows how to play verbal judo and can coach leaders and give them tips and tricks.